Illustrator Robert Toth drew these illustration for CyanaTrendland. He did an amazing job. These drawing are inspired by the fashion ads of Louis Vuitton, Prada, Chloe and Dolce and Gabanna for the F/W 2009 season.
It’s no secret that Mr. Hare is of Jamaican decent and being such, night time shoes have always been a priority. It is no exaggeration to say he’s been dreaming of these shoes, ‘The Stingray Orwell’, all his life – could they be any finer?
This boot is made from an antique leather. The leather in this boot was made in a tannery that closed down more than 20 years ago. It is made from an African antelope called Kudu, and tanned in a unique way. The raw hide is shrunk to make it tighter and tougher, then tumbled to bring up the natural texture of the leather, and finally treated with a light embossing that further highlights the rough grain of the Kudu.
In celebration of the book, Louis Vuitton partnered with artist Camille Scherrer to create this animated film.